2012年6月5日 星期二

豬豬+毛毛球仙人掌 Piggie and Furry Cactus

一向都唔係好識種仙人掌.  最終嘅下場都係.........

見倒呢隻咁可愛嘅豬豬同一樣可愛嘅毛毛球仙人掌, 都係忍唔住買返嚟擺.  睇吓又擺得幾耐.  :P

I've never been good at taking care of cactuses.  They always end up disappearing out of my house.

That day I bumped into this adorable piggie and cactus combination.  Couldn't resist bringing it home.  So see how long it lasts for.  :P

