最近沒時間寫blog. 短短哋吧!
不經不覺我家已有五個le sucre 成員. 大家來個大合照.
左面是第一隻我擁有的le sucre 兔兔, 亦是唯一購自台北的. 之後就忍不住手了. 中間帶帽的是DH 送的. 而右面最傻呼呼的是水獺.
Don't have much time lately for blogs. A shorter blog is okay....
I have five Japan le sucre's family members now. Let's take a picture together.
The left one is my first le sucre rabbit, and also the only bought from Taiwan. The middle one wearing a hood was a gift from DH. The one on the left obviously is not a rabbit. It's a sea otter, they say.