2011年12月16日 星期五

Zakka~le sucre 砂糖兔 Utensils

喜愛收集雜貨.   漂亮的雜貨讓原本平平無奇的家居用品添上色彩, 增加生活情趣.

一直非常喜愛日本le sucre產品.  此兔叫砂糖兔又叫法國兔.  日本沒有專門店, 又不懂上網訂購.  偶然在日本發覺牠的蹤影, 會開心得不得了!  反而是在台北比較多牠的產品, 會特別安排探望有牠的店子.  近日香港地鐵站 iroiro 店越來越多le sucre 的產品了, 每逢能看到牠的港鐵站, 我也會去探探牠們, 不管有沒有新貨....
買最多就是叉匙, 實用又美觀.  有大亦有小.  用起上來特別開心!


According to Wiki, the term "Zakka"  "refers to everything and anything that improves your home, life and appearance. It is often based on household items from the West".

I like to collect zakka, they make life more fun and interesting   They make you smile when you use them.  They add life to ordinary objects.

le sucre is a Japanese brand zakka.  The bunny rabbit is called "Sugar Rabbit" or "French Rabbit".  There aren't many products found in HK but there are more stocks now at iroiro in MTR stations.

The most I have of this brand are spoons and forks.  Practcical and cute.  I feel happier using these utensils


