一直忙於搬屋和裝修的事宜, 幾個月來沒真正踫手工藝, 手非常痕.
陶出買了多年的木製 toilet paper holder, 簡單的塗上小花草, 便可用了. 這種 toilet paper holder 當年購自Jusco $10 店, 現在已沒得賣了. 木製DIY 的東西現也賣少很多, 真可惜. 如可入多些DIY貨便好了....
還有一個存貨, 遲些再為它添上色彩.
放在洗手間, 即多幾分鄉村感覺. :>
My first tole painting work after moving and renovation. I don't have much time so I picked this simple one to do.
This wooden toilet paper holder was bought a few years ago. It was bought in the Jusco $10 store, which equals under US $2. Too bad they don't carry much DIY stuff anymore.
It adds a touch of country feeling to my washroom. :>