2012年2月25日 星期六

傢俱大變身~鞋櫃篇 Home Project~Shoe Cabinet

我有個嗜好, 就係將家企o的物件油白.

今次係新買嘅鞋櫃.  我發覺要揾一個啱心水嘅鞋櫃係一件好難嘅事.  又要啱呎吋, 又要啱款, 又要啱顏色, 又要裝得多鞋, 又唔可以太淺, 又唔可以太貴, 又想照倒全身鏡, 要有drawers, 最好擺倒長遮, 櫃頂又想擺倒o的裝飾 etc etc etc....

最後就决定要呢個鞋櫃.  雖未算完美, 冇法啦!  繼續揾到幾時?

顏色冇得改, 所以唯有自己改色, 襯番週圍嘅傢俱.

最近搬屋油呢樣油嗰樣, 油到儍吓儍吓.  冇法, 頂硬上.  本來用Nippon Enamel Paint (磁漆), 但因前一排剩番些少Camel 手掃漆 (油廚房櫃門), 用埋先啦!  油油吓先諗起, 我個鞋櫃唔係木面, 唔應該用手掃漆個喎 (手掃漆好似啱油木咋喎)!  有冇問題嘅呢??

講起個廚房就激氣.  本來指定要奶白色櫃門 (好creamy 嗰隻), 有sample 跟.  到貨時竟見倒黃gum gum!  接受唔倒!  師傅嚟油過 (本來又係想用Nippon 水性手掃漆, 但係個boss 話冇油性手掃漆咁耐用.  都唔知係咪真?!  佢咁講我唯有咁信.  仲有另一個問題就係唔可以油底漆, 怕一油就蓋哂o的木紋.  代價?  天拿水味臭昏天.  毒死咁滯....  總知就激死!!

I have a hobby, is to paint my furniture white.

This time my target was our new shoe cabinet.  I find that it's very difficult to find a suitable shoe cabinet.  The size needs to fit, the style has to be right, it has to be white, it has to hold many shoes, can't be too shallow, can't be too expensive, hopefully it has a full length mirror,has to have a drawer, would be best if it could hold some long umbrellas, can hold some of my ornaments, etc etc etc....the list could go on.

Finally I've decided on this one.  Although it doesn't meet all my criteria, it comes close.  I don't want to use a year to find a shoe cabinet.  It's a pity to see our shoes hanging by the doorway without a decent home.

Since it's not white, I need to paint it white to match my other furniture nearby.



2012年2月9日 星期四

送給媽媽的羊毛氈頸巾 For Mom~A Wool Scarf

兩個月前媽媽生日, 送甚麼給她好呢?  寒冷的冬天, 想起最近新出的羊毛氈圍巾書, 不懂編織的我 (要媽媽指導才行, 織完即忘得一乾二淨) 做一條不用織的頸巾給她最好不過了!

參考台灣書 "洗搓搓!  第一次自己作美麗的羊毛氈圍巾", 買了媽媽應會喜歡的顏色, 日本 Hamanaka Mix 羊毛各色50g (一條頸巾大約需100g羊毛).  再加上少計beige 及白色應該行了!

Two months ago it was mom's birthday.  What should I give her?  In the middle of a cold winter, I thought of the new book on wool scarfs.  Not knowing how to knit, making a wool scarf through the wet-wool method is perfect for me!  Actually I've knitted before, but I needed mom's tutoring and once I finish I forget virtually everything immediately!

So I bought two bags of wool that mom should like, 50g each (one scarf need about 100g of wool).  Plus some white and beige wool should do! 

其實之前試過一次做濕氈不是很成功, 搓了很久很久才完成.  今次信心不是很大....  果然, 由天光做到天黑.  大慨六小時吧!  命都幾乎沒了....  桌子不夠長, 工具不是太恰當, 最大問題是雖已不停地加熱肥皂水, 但天氣實在太冷了.  水一淋在冷冰冰的桌上, 甚麼熱力也消失, 羊毛很難氈化...救命!  家人問我為何那麽大工程....  原來比我想像中困難!  真的很累.  是不是有哪方面出錯呢??  有沒有人可幫幫忙?

I've done the wet-wool method before, but wasn't very successful with it.  It took me a long time for the wool to shrink and stick to itself.  That's why I'm not very confident this time.  Not to my surprise, it wasn't easy at all.  It took me about 6 hours.  The working area wasn't big enough, the utensils weren't quite adequate, and the biggest problem was that although I kept on adding hot soapy water to the wool, the wool wasn't reacting because the table was too cold and turned the hot water to cold water.  The strands were okay alone but wouldn't stick with the others.  I think this was the main problem, if anyone could tell me what other problem there is...

工具~bubble紙, 網布, 温熱肥皂水 Utensils~bubble wrapper, washing bag (cut up), warm/hot soapy water
手套都搓破了 My plastic gloves were torn off soon from rubbing

不知怎的, 單丁一條氈化沒問題, 但交錯叠着的就粘不在一起.  苦腦!  Strands were okay but they just won't stick to the others.  Very frustrating!

What a mess.....

最後有些羊毛條粘不到, 唯有用針氈方法固定.  穩固很多!  終於大功告成!

Since some strands wouldn't stick, I used the needle-felting method at the end.  Finally it's done!

雖然不太精緻, 成品有點粗, 望媽媽能笑納! 希望媽媽身體健康, 常開開心心!  

Although it's not a fine-looking scarf, I hope that mom would appreciate it!  Wish mom Happy and Healthy always!