2013年5月31日 星期五

塔石藝墟點滴 Art Fair at Tap Seac May 17-19, 2013

A summary on the Art Fair at Tap Seac, May 2013~~


藝墟第二天: 擺位有改善, 但我們攤位位置正正面向太陽, 感覺上有35度高溫...快要燒著了! (滴汗) 只想去洗個澡!

藝墟第三天: 擺位最滿意了, 當然還有改善的空間. 今天體驗的同學特別多, 我的肩開始痛...

在此謝謝各單位的支持! 下次(若然有的話)再努力!

1st Day: After placing all the stuff on the table, I stepped back and took a look....and discovered that the scene wasn't very pleasant...there was not much to view.  Actually I didn't want to take my miniatures out because it's very dangerous to bring them around...

2nd Day: Brought out some miniatures.  A hot and humid day.  My gosh, it was like 35 degrees and my butt was literally burning from the sun.  Help!!!  I want to take a shower!

3rd Day: Best looking booth today, but still lots of room for improvement.  Today we had quite a lot of students doing mini lessons.  I bended my back for a long time and oh my shoulders started hurting...yikes....

Thanks to those who supported me in the event.   

I will try to do better next time (if there IS next time)!


2013年5月28日 星期二

2013年5月27日 星期一

Children Clay Lessons 兒童輕粘土課程 (2013年七月)

七月有兒童輕粘土課程, 詳情請看facebook.

Miniature 迷你小物~Mother's Day 2013 Rose & Cake

這是上年造給塔石藝墟的母親節禮物.  剩下一個, 今年再加些玫瑰花, 送給媽媽當禮物.  現在才upload 照片.

This was made for last year's Art Fair.  One was left.  This year I added some roses and gave it to my mom.  Didn't have time to upload the pictures before.

2013年5月6日 星期一

我又來了, 塔石藝墟 Here I come, Arte do Tap Seac! (May 2013)

離上次擺檔仔差不多一年了....今年再接再勵, 第二次參加澳門塔石藝墟.

今次除了迷你粘土外, 會有小巧的羊毛氈製品, 還有新課程推出, 詳情請按facebook 連結.

今個星期就舉行了!  但我只參加了第二星期....

澳門塔石藝墟 Arte do Tap Seac May 2013~~
1st week: May 10-12 (Fri-Sun) 5-10pm (not here)
2nd week: May 17-19 (Fri-Sun) 5-10pm (here!)


It's been a year since I last joined the Arte do Tap Seac in Macau.  Here I come again!

This time other than miniature clay work, I also have some felt wool products.  There will also be new lessons, please click my facebook link for more details.

It's held starting this week for two consecutive weeks, I've joined the 2nd week.

Come and have a look if you have time!

Last year's photo