2012年5月24日 星期四

2012年5月17日 星期四

第一次擺檔~塔石藝墟 Art Fair at Tap Seac

話說上年發現了「塔石藝墟」.  心想何時到我做擺檔而不是去觀望的?  今年「的起心肝」去報名.  終於一嘗「店主」的滋味!  我開舖(檔)了!  第一次有自己的招牌, 很興奮!

只得短短兩個多星期預備, 懶惰的我開始時又拖時間, 擺檔之前最後幾天趕得不得了, 難為了DH 幫我做這做那, sorry!

這次經驗蠻得意的, 當然有待放進.  謝謝家人的支持.  媽媽也得媽媽節特地跟我擺檔!  :P

Last year I have discovered the Art Fair at Tap Seac.  I wondered when I would be the one to look after the booth instead of being the customer.  This year I decided to go for it.  I finally have my own shop...I mean own booth!  It was really exciting to see my own banner being held up.

Having only 2 weeks or so preparing for the event, I was really stressed out a few days before the final day.  I already didn't have much time yet I was lazy to start preparing....  I pity DH for running around to do things for me.

It was quite an interesting experience.  Of course there is much to improve.  Thanks to my family for their support.  Mom had to look after the booth with me on Mother's Day!

怎也應有些製成品.  製作過程非常混亂.  The process of producing products was quite messy.

保養miniature 作品的紙條  Slip for taking care of the miniature works

可愛的小狗們, 忍不住要拍照.  Can't resist taking pictures of the cute little doggies.

See you next time!

塔石藝墟 Feira De Arte Do Tap Seac:
1st week: May 11-13 (Fri-Sun), 2012    5-10pm (我只擺一週, I'm there only this week)
2nd week: May 18-20 (Fri-Sun), 2012  5-10pm

2012年5月15日 星期二

2012年5月11日 星期五



謝謝大家欣賞我的作品.  ^_^

"Donuts and Spinach Quiche" 課程內容遲一點upload.

有更多迷你作品的相片 (亦有其他) 在我的Picasa Web Album.  請按右邊的連結.  遲些有時間再upload 多些作品相片.

