2012年7月13日 星期五

彩繪木厠紙架 Tolepainting Toilet Paper Holder #2

我們的客廁一直未有厠紙架.  拖了很久, 是時候給厠紙們一個好歸宿.

另一個木器厠紙架上場了!  上次畫了我喜愛的小白菊, 今次還是想素一點.  來個白玫瑰吧!

2012年7月6日 星期五

羊毛氈-小刺猬 Feltwool-Little Hedgehog


終於現身了!  親子小刺猬, 即媽媽&BB刺猬.

有做開羊毛氈的朋友, 或許會認得這是日本材料包來的.  出了很久了 (亦買了很久, 放了很久).

可能我內芯拮得太實, 最終不夠羊毛而需買多些回來補.  比原來用多了$!

小刺猬的刺是一針一線縫出來的.  針紙超強(說反話)的我找媽媽求救.  媽媽示範後我便自己來.  哦!  原來如此穿.  又挺好玩的!  其實大可照平常方法拮出來, 但不試過就不會懂怎麼穿了.

They're finally here!  Mommy and Baby Hedgehog!

This is from a Japanese feltwool kit.  I bought it a long time ago.

Maybe because I poked too much and too hard, I ended having to buy some more wool to finish the baby Hedgehog.  

I used the thread and needle for the hedgehogs' quills.  Sewing has always been my specialty (I'm lying)!  I needed mom's help.  After mom's demo, I tried myself.  I see!  That's how you do it.  It's quite fun actually!  I could have used the wool felting technique to do the quills but then I would never learn how to do the sewing.

For more photos, please click here.