Happy Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋節快樂!
送給大家超迷你的月餅....這是示範作品所以做得不是太好, 洋桃也沒光澤... 不要緊! 只是想照一照, 講一句祝福話!
Miniature Traditional Moon Cake. These pieces were done for demo, so they aren't that great...oh well...just wanted to take a pic and make a greeting!
迷你.粘土.羊毛氈.手作.雜貨.園藝生活.自然生態.煮食/Miniature.Clay.Feltwool.Handcraft.Zakka.Garden Life.Nature & Wildlife.Cooking *A warm welcome to people from any part of the world!*
2012年9月28日 星期五
2012年9月27日 星期四
Felt Wool Mobile Bag 羊毛氈手機套
有新的手機, 自然需要新的手機套. 之前做的用不着了...
今次選的是給人很平靜感覺的藍綠色....是Hamanaka Natural Cotton Blend 的其中一種色. 看上去很舒服, 我很喜歡.
方法是先針氈2塊羊毛, 然後包起型版再用濕氈方法搓. 這方法可以加速完成的速度. 我低估了縮氈的程度, 做得太緊了, 剛放得入但有點勉強. 唯有硬着頭皮再做!
I've got a new mobile, so I need to make another wool case for it.
This time I chose a calming turquoise. This is one of the Japanese brand, Hamanaka's wool. It's really soothing to look at, I like the colour!
First I needle-felted two pieces of wool, then used the wet method to shrink the case to the right size. However, I underestimated the shrinkage and it turned out too tight. It barely fits. So I had to do it all over again...We learn by past mistakes...that's how we learn. -_-
今次選的是給人很平靜感覺的藍綠色....是Hamanaka Natural Cotton Blend 的其中一種色. 看上去很舒服, 我很喜歡.
方法是先針氈2塊羊毛, 然後包起型版再用濕氈方法搓. 這方法可以加速完成的速度. 我低估了縮氈的程度, 做得太緊了, 剛放得入但有點勉強. 唯有硬着頭皮再做!
I've got a new mobile, so I need to make another wool case for it.
This time I chose a calming turquoise. This is one of the Japanese brand, Hamanaka's wool. It's really soothing to look at, I like the colour!
First I needle-felted two pieces of wool, then used the wet method to shrink the case to the right size. However, I underestimated the shrinkage and it turned out too tight. It barely fits. So I had to do it all over again...We learn by past mistakes...that's how we learn. -_-
濕氈工真, 有凹凸粒粒, 加快速度 Using a felting tool to speed up the process |
縮氈前後的大小差別 Difference between before and after shrinking |
型版就是原來的大小 This is how much they have shrunk |
第ニ次刻意做薄些 The 2nd one was made thinner |
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