2013年6月7日 星期五

彩繪~兔子傘架 Tole Painting~Bunny Rabbit Umbrella Rack

這個彩繪可不得了...很久歷史...  應該是2007年在日本買下的.  看回筆記, 2008年頭設計(但不記得有沒有開始), 其間拿出來塗一下, 接著又放回櫃內.  如此就過了幾年.  其實大部份已一早塗好了, 只是欠那盆栽內的小白菊, 總是提不起勁畫上它們, 因為覺得較複雜...其實很快便可畫好了! 原本是設計很多花的, 現在只畫上三朶, 兔兔已很滿足了!  :P

買這彩繪板前, 考慮了一會兒, 因為要帶它上飛機有點難度.  07年前遊日本時已見過它, 但太多東西要帶了, 沒有買(又偏愛買大型彩繪木器).  今次再見它便不放過啦!

這兔兔是連著傘架一起放的, 可放4把長傘.  愛買彩繪木器就是因為實用啊!  但我應該不會放傘子, 不捨得喔...況且傘子會擋著兔兔啊!  >_<

This tole painting has a long history.  I think I bought it back in 2007, from Japan.  Looking at my notes, I did the initial design in Jan 2008.  I think I've started at that time, but through the years I kept taking it out and painted a little and put it away again.  Now it's 2013!  Actually most of it was done a long time ago, just that I couldn't get myself to paint those little camomile....I thought it'd be a complicated job (but turned out to be really quick actually).  I was going to paint more flowers but now I've just got 3...doesn't matter, Bunny looks content with them anyway!  :P

I've already saw this product at another trip before the 2007's, but the size hindered me in buying it...I already had other tole painting wood pieces to bring....but when I saw it the next year I couldn't resist again!

This Bunny Rabbit goes with an umbrella rack.  I like tole painting because it's very practical!  It can hold 4 long umbrellas.  I don't think I'm going to use it though because...I wouldn't be able to see what I've painted then!  >_<

For more photos, please click me.

兔兔種出小白菊很滿足!  Bunny is happy with her garden grown camomile!