2013年5月31日 星期五

塔石藝墟點滴 Art Fair at Tap Seac May 17-19, 2013

A summary on the Art Fair at Tap Seac, May 2013~~


藝墟第二天: 擺位有改善, 但我們攤位位置正正面向太陽, 感覺上有35度高溫...快要燒著了! (滴汗) 只想去洗個澡!

藝墟第三天: 擺位最滿意了, 當然還有改善的空間. 今天體驗的同學特別多, 我的肩開始痛...

在此謝謝各單位的支持! 下次(若然有的話)再努力!

1st Day: After placing all the stuff on the table, I stepped back and took a look....and discovered that the scene wasn't very pleasant...there was not much to view.  Actually I didn't want to take my miniatures out because it's very dangerous to bring them around...

2nd Day: Brought out some miniatures.  A hot and humid day.  My gosh, it was like 35 degrees and my butt was literally burning from the sun.  Help!!!  I want to take a shower!

3rd Day: Best looking booth today, but still lots of room for improvement.  Today we had quite a lot of students doing mini lessons.  I bended my back for a long time and oh my shoulders started hurting...yikes....

Thanks to those who supported me in the event.   

I will try to do better next time (if there IS next time)!


