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說到手工藝, 我是很花心的, 甚麼都有興趣, 所以手做著這樣, 腦就想著另一樣...
刻橡皮章, 我算是新手. 上年買了曰本Seed 橡皮, 因為得來不易, 價錢亦頗昂貴, 所以希望"功力有返咁上下" 才用. 就這樣, 放了一年多了, 這一年只試刻了不多於三次(用較便宜的橡皮). 這陣子手痕想刻刻看, 終於忍不住要試試我的Seed 橡皮!
刻甚麼好呢? 可以自己畫, 但我更想試刻我非常喜愛的Le Sucre 法國兔(砂糖兔)公仔! 就用牠們練習吧! 這樣算不算侵犯版權呢? :P
上星期四刻了法國兔兔頭. 首先是用Hinodewashi 曰本橡皮. 上課剩下的. 刻之前要停一停, 想一想...哪處刻哪處不刻. 當初接觸橡皮章時真的有點亂, 不大掌握倒呢! 現在好一點吧!
I always have a hard time doing only one craft at a time. When I'm doing something, my head thinks of doing another!
I'm considered a beginner at carving rubber stamps. Last year I bought the Japanese rubber "Seed", because it wasn't readily available in the market and because of the price, I thought I would try it out when I'm more advanced. However, I let it sit for almost a year and I how many times have I practiced carving? About 3 times... This while my hands are feeling itchy and I want to try out the Japanese rubber! Can't wait any longer!
So what should I carve? I can design my own but at the moment I want to practice using my favorite Japanese character Le Sucre (an adorable French rabbit). Am I violating copyrights? :P
Last Thursday I carved Le Sucre's head. I tried carving with another Japanese rubber, Hinodewashi first. This was left from my rubber stamp lessons. Before carving, I had to think over which parts to carve and which parts not to carve. When I first encountered this craft I was quite confused. I'm starting to get the hang of it now.
眼睛是最難的部位, 稍一不小心便會刻走了, 因為法國兔的眼睛是一小粒的! 還有線條很幼, 刻著刻著真的不大知道自己在刻甚麼! 新手選那麼難刻的圖案幹嘛?! >_<
說實的, 蓋印時那份滿足感很大哩!
接著昨天刻了整隻兔兔. 用青綠色面(I like green!), 白底的Seed 橡皮. 雖然自己可以在橡皮上上色, 但我還是喜歡已經有色的橡皮!
The tiny eyes are the most difficult area because they could easily be carved away accidentally. Also the lines are very thin. You start to wonder what you're doing after a while. Why choose such a difficult subject for a beginner! >_<
The contentment is really great when you try out the stamp.
Yesterday I tried the whole bunny. This time I used the Seed rubber. It's a double layered rubber and has a green top and white bottom. Although you could colour your own rubber I still prefer one that already has colour.
技巧我是有點欠奉的了...尤其是要留白的位置...但完成了也很開心! 因真的很喜歡Le Sucre! 可以擁有Le Sucre 的印仔! 雖然不知有甚麼用, 哈哈!
I'm lack of techniques, especially the blank places...however I'm still very happy upon finishing because I really love Le Sucre...How great it is to have my own Le Sucre stamp...even though I don't know what to do with it, ha ha!
左面蓋得不好呢(裙子是刻意漸變的)! The one on the left wasn't stamped properly. The dress was meant to be like this though. |
一發不可收拾, 今天用最想試的啡底粉紅色面Seed 橡皮. 好像一塊好吃的巧克力. 最想試的原因是因為想看看深色底橡皮會不會易看些, 哪處有刻哪處沒刻一目了然. 果然是很好用!
Once I've started I couldn't stop. The brown Seed was the one I wanted to try the most. Today I finally opened it. It's like a piece of yummy chocolate. The reason I wanted to try this out was because I wanted to see if it's easier to see carved/uncarved areas. There was no disappointment with using this rubber.
變了黑兔... Became a black rabbit... |
因為橡皮深色, 更易看得出哪裏有瑕疵. 趕著試印, 稍後再雕好些.
Because the rubber is dark, it's easier to see the flaws. I wanted to try the stamp out, so I'll fix that later.
試印另一style. Try out another style. |
與Miniature 相比, 刻章更要用神. 我眼睛不好, 不可以常刻喔! >_<
曰本橡皮, 還是會繼續買.
Comparing to Miniatures, stamp carving is even more eye-straining. My eyes aren't good so I can't do stamp carving all the time! >_<
I will continue to buy the Japanese rubber.