2011年12月14日 星期三

最喜愛嘅麵包店 My favorite bakery shop~DONQ

DONQ at Sogo 係我最喜愛嘅麵包店.  作為一間麵包店, 種類要多之外, 最重要係不時有新款式.  而DONQ 除咗不時有新款式外, 亦會按不同時節推出新款式麵包.  麵包造型亦好有趣.


DONQ at Sogo is my favorite Japanese bakery shop.  They offer fresh and tasty breads.  That day I bought some Christmas bakery...mostly because I was attracted by their looks.  If you happen to come to Sogo at Hong Kong perhaps you could have a look at this bakery shop (located at the basement)!

Turkey bread (left)
Gingerbread girl  都幾好食, 如果更"薑"更好

Cranberry Green tea

推薦包包: 肉桂卷 w/ cream cheese, 吞拿魚蛋沙律三文治 (超美味), 明太子法包
Recommended breads: Cinnamon Bun w/ cream cheese, Tuna w/ egg salad sandwich, Tarako Frenchbread

