2011年12月13日 星期二

再訪濕地公園 Hong Kong Wetland Park Part 3(with Canon SX40 HS)

今日貝貝好生猛, 平時都係定咗形.  Wetland Park's crocodile "Pui Pui".  She is quite active today.  Most of the time I go there she doesn't move at all.

黑臉噪鶥, 樹上彈來彈去, 好難影.  Masked Laughingthrush jumping here and there, very hard to take pictures.
大白鷺還是中白鷺?  Great Egret or Intermediate Egret?
唔多怕人嘅白頭鵯, 幾時都咁可愛.  The adorable Chinese Bulbul isn't really afraid of humans.

雖然今曰天氣麻麻, 影相冇咁靚, 但係揸住部Canon SX40, 原本肉眼睇倒一粒嘅鳥可放大咁多, 係非常開心嘅事.  部機600g, 拎起手唔算好重, 可以接受.  以後帶住佢影大自然會更開心.

蝙蝠書籤同booklet係參加about 45分鐘濕地鴨仔導賞團送嘅.  The little bat bookmark and booklet was a gift for attending the Ducks Tour (about 45 min).

觀鳥資歷唔係咁高嘅我,  最好就係有本書喺手查考各種鳥類名稱.  香港鳥類圖鑑係一本好好嘅參考書.  仲有隻DVD tim!  上年買嘅.  As a bird-watching beginner, it's best to have a reference on hand.  That's why I bought the "A Photographic Guide to The Birds of Hong Kong" last year.  A DVD is also included!

Hong Kong Wetland Park website:

