2011年12月23日 星期五

迷你小物 Miniature~Christmas Treats 2011

今年又唔夠時間整聖誕miniature setting.  呢個已經係2006 年嘅作品.  影咗啲新嘅相應吓節.

This year I don't have enough time to do a Christmas miniature setting again.  So I just took some new photos of my old work from 2006 and uploaded them.

Merry Christmas! 

個 tart 係參考 City'super 攞嘅食譜單張.  The tart was made according to the City'super recipe leaflet.

Christmas Cake

Star Cookies

Mini Pumpkin tarts w/ pumpkin seeds, semi-dried tomato pesto

Posted by PicasaFor more photos, please visit my Picasa web album:https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/myphotos

2011年12月16日 星期五

Zakka~le sucre 砂糖兔 Utensils

喜愛收集雜貨.   漂亮的雜貨讓原本平平無奇的家居用品添上色彩, 增加生活情趣.

一直非常喜愛日本le sucre產品.  此兔叫砂糖兔又叫法國兔.  日本沒有專門店, 又不懂上網訂購.  偶然在日本發覺牠的蹤影, 會開心得不得了!  反而是在台北比較多牠的產品, 會特別安排探望有牠的店子.  近日香港地鐵站 iroiro 店越來越多le sucre 的產品了, 每逢能看到牠的港鐵站, 我也會去探探牠們, 不管有沒有新貨....
買最多就是叉匙, 實用又美觀.  有大亦有小.  用起上來特別開心!


According to Wiki, the term "Zakka"  "refers to everything and anything that improves your home, life and appearance. It is often based on household items from the West".

I like to collect zakka, they make life more fun and interesting   They make you smile when you use them.  They add life to ordinary objects.

le sucre is a Japanese brand zakka.  The bunny rabbit is called "Sugar Rabbit" or "French Rabbit".  There aren't many products found in HK but there are more stocks now at iroiro in MTR stations.

The most I have of this brand are spoons and forks.  Practcical and cute.  I feel happier using these utensils


2011年12月15日 星期四

羊毛氈~薑餅人聖誕小吊飾 Felt Wool~Gingerbread Man X'mas Decoration

每年聖誕都會想整啲迷你聖誕裝飾應吓節, 有時諗咗但冇時間做.

今年突然想先整吓羊毛氈吊飾, 粉飾吓我嘅新居.

初以為用餅模篤冇咁易篤倒手, 但係原來好易篤倒個餅模, 即係好易斷針!  不過篤親餅模好過篤親我隻手!


Every year I would like to make a miniature setting for Christmas, but I don't always have the time to do it.

This year I thought of doing a Christmas decoration using needle-felting.  It'd be nice to have more Christmas decoration for my new home.

At first I thought using a cookie mold would be better because it prevents my fingers from being poked, but I found myself poking the cookie mold, which means there's a larger chance for breaking my needle!  Well, at least it's better to poke the cookie mold than to poke my own finger!

The first thing is to needle-felt some gingerbread boys and girls.  I'm not that patient with needle-felting.  How can I poke faster?!

餅模個頭太細, 所以我整大啲, 咁會得意啲.  The mold's head is a bit too small, so I made it larger for a cuter effect.
To be continued.....

我的羊毛氈初體驗, 請看我的舊blog.  My first experience with needle felting, please see my old blog:

Also please view my picasa web album (on the right column).

2011年12月14日 星期三

最喜愛嘅麵包店 My favorite bakery shop~DONQ

DONQ at Sogo 係我最喜愛嘅麵包店.  作為一間麵包店, 種類要多之外, 最重要係不時有新款式.  而DONQ 除咗不時有新款式外, 亦會按不同時節推出新款式麵包.  麵包造型亦好有趣.


DONQ at Sogo is my favorite Japanese bakery shop.  They offer fresh and tasty breads.  That day I bought some Christmas bakery...mostly because I was attracted by their looks.  If you happen to come to Sogo at Hong Kong perhaps you could have a look at this bakery shop (located at the basement)!

Turkey bread (left)
Gingerbread girl  都幾好食, 如果更"薑"更好

Cranberry Green tea

推薦包包: 肉桂卷 w/ cream cheese, 吞拿魚蛋沙律三文治 (超美味), 明太子法包
Recommended breads: Cinnamon Bun w/ cream cheese, Tuna w/ egg salad sandwich, Tarako Frenchbread

2011年12月13日 星期二

再訪濕地公園 Hong Kong Wetland Park Part 3(with Canon SX40 HS)

今日貝貝好生猛, 平時都係定咗形.  Wetland Park's crocodile "Pui Pui".  She is quite active today.  Most of the time I go there she doesn't move at all.

黑臉噪鶥, 樹上彈來彈去, 好難影.  Masked Laughingthrush jumping here and there, very hard to take pictures.
大白鷺還是中白鷺?  Great Egret or Intermediate Egret?
唔多怕人嘅白頭鵯, 幾時都咁可愛.  The adorable Chinese Bulbul isn't really afraid of humans.

雖然今曰天氣麻麻, 影相冇咁靚, 但係揸住部Canon SX40, 原本肉眼睇倒一粒嘅鳥可放大咁多, 係非常開心嘅事.  部機600g, 拎起手唔算好重, 可以接受.  以後帶住佢影大自然會更開心.

蝙蝠書籤同booklet係參加about 45分鐘濕地鴨仔導賞團送嘅.  The little bat bookmark and booklet was a gift for attending the Ducks Tour (about 45 min).

觀鳥資歷唔係咁高嘅我,  最好就係有本書喺手查考各種鳥類名稱.  香港鳥類圖鑑係一本好好嘅參考書.  仲有隻DVD tim!  上年買嘅.  As a bird-watching beginner, it's best to have a reference on hand.  That's why I bought the "A Photographic Guide to The Birds of Hong Kong" last year.  A DVD is also included!

Hong Kong Wetland Park website:

2011年12月7日 星期三

再訪濕地公園 Hong Kong Wetland Park Part 2(with Canon SX40 HS)

鸕鷀 Great Cormorant
很温馨...So sweet
紅耳鵯 Red-whiskered Bulbul, 叫聲很好聽

Birding inside the bird-watching house:

磯鷸 Common Sandpiper
青脚鷸 Common Greenshank?

瀕臨絕種的黑臉琵鷺是濕地之明星.  咀不停的在水中撥來撥去, 很可愛.  The extinguishing Black-faced Spoonbill is a star of the Wetlandpark.  It keeps sweeping its bill back and forth in the water.  Very cute.

尾部擺來擺去, 好得意!  Its tail wobbles while it's walking, so cute!
To be continued.....

2011年12月3日 星期六

彩繪木廁紙架 Tole Painting-Wooden Toilet Paper Holder

一直忙於搬屋和裝修的事宜, 幾個月來沒真正踫手工藝, 手非常痕.

陶出買了多年的木製 toilet paper holder, 簡單的塗上小花草, 便可用了.  這種 toilet paper holder 當年購自Jusco $10 店, 現在已沒得賣了.  木製DIY 的東西現也賣少很多, 真可惜.  如可入多些DIY貨便好了....

還有一個存貨, 遲些再為它添上色彩.

放在洗手間, 即多幾分鄉村感覺.  :>

My first tole painting work after moving and renovation.  I don't have much time so I picked this simple one to do. 

This wooden toilet paper holder was bought a few years ago.  It was bought in the Jusco $10 store, which equals under US $2.  Too bad they don't carry much DIY stuff anymore.

It adds a touch of country feeling to my washroom.  :>

2011年12月1日 星期四

再訪濕地公園 Hong Kong Wetland Park Part 1(with Canon SX40 HS)

每年秋冬都係觀鳥最佳季節, 愛觀鳥嘅我又係時候出發, 把握時機!

今次已係第五次探訪濕地公園.  除濕地外, 米埔自然中心都係好去處, 不過入米埔自然保護區要專人帶領或攞牌, 但濕地就自由好多, 所以雖則路途遙遠, 我仍係不厭其煩地一去再去.

Every year, autumn and winter are the best seasons for bird watching.  It's time for birders like me to go out and meet the birds!

It's my 5th visit to the Hong Kong Wetland Park.  Mai Po is also a good place but if you want to go to the Mai Po Nature Reserve you'd have to apply for tours or you need a pass to go in.  For Wetland Park you just need to pay for the admission fee.  That's why although it's a long trip to go to the Wetland Park, I still don't mind going there again and again.  It's a very nice place.

Nov 24, 2011 Cloudy
攞住我新相機, 一落車就開始試拍, hmm...用 macro 有啲困難, 可能未摸清楚點用.

I've got my new Canon with me of course, so the first thing upon arrival is to try out my camera.
Hmm....I have trouble using the Macro focus...maybe I haven't got the hang of it yet.

遠處有隻鳥鳥 (白頭鵯), 睇吓zoom 倒幾遠?
The pic was shot from far away, using 35x zoom.

再zoom out, 睇倒鳥鳥喺邊嘛?
Can you tell where the bird is in this pic?
So excited...

先於室內觀賞, 望出去見四隻龜, 全部頭朝向天, 我諗住係假嘅, 點知睇睇吓有隻o係度郁, 哇!  真o架?!
There're 4 turtles outside the window of the park.  I thought there were fake, but after a while one of them started moving!  Hey, they're real! 
1st pair

2nd pair

去醫肚先.  餐廳旁有隻蒼鷺 (睇單張先知佢個名) 陪伴住.  食咁耐佢企咁耐.
So funny!
Let's have lunch first.  There's a Grey Heron beside the window.  Thanks for the company!  It stood there all the way through the meal.
蒼鷺 Grey Heron
跟住另一隻鳥飛嚟, 好可愛.  查過原來叫白鶺鴒 (點讀?)
There comes another cute birdie.  White Wagtail.
To be continued....